Practice Areas
Our Specialties

Divorce & Separation
Separation and divorce are always tough times for a family to experience, even if the decision to separate is amicable. Typically a separation or divorce involves tension, anger, resentment, hurt, betrayal and sometimes violence, all of which are especially challenging on the family, particularly children. The firm routinely represents clients in all aspects of family law including but not limited to:
- Filing and Pursuit of a Divorce
- Drafting and Negotiation of Marital Settlement
- Agreements (Property Settlement Agreements)
- Alimony/Alimony Pendente Lite
- Equitable Distribution
- Establishing Child Support and Spousal Support
- Litigation Services and Representation at Trial
- Representation before the Courts with Regard to
- Master’s Hearings, Conferences, Evaluations
- Filing and/or representing clients in Protective From Abuse (PFA) matters
Child Custody and Support
Matters concerning children, such as custody, visitation, and child support, can be complex, multi-faceted and emotional. It is crucial for the best interest of the children and the parent to attain a fair arrangement from the outset. The firm represents clients in all matters of child custody and support, but not limited to:
- Custody and Visitation
- Modification of Custody and Visitation
- Contempt and Enforcement of Custody/Visitation Orders.
- Grandparents Rights
- Establishment of Paternity
- Establishment of Child Support Orders.
- Collection and Enforcement of Child Support
Arrearages - Payment of Extraordinary Medical Costs for Minor
Will, Trusts & Estates
You work hard creating a nice life for yourself and your family. I am sure that you want reassurance and peace of mind to know that your property will be handled in accordance with your wishes after your death. A will answers the “Who, What, When and Where” after you pass. It is also equally essential that decisions concerning your health and care be made in accordance with your wishes and you prevent additional anguish to your family and loved ones. Designating a guardian to care for your children and trustee to handle their inheritance is of vital importance should either parent be unable to provide the care the children need.
Having an attorney assist you in the drafting/preparation/execution of your Will, Power of Attorney, Living Will and Advanced Healthcare Directive or other estate document/s is critical to ensuring that your health and property is handled as you desire.
The firm assists clients in all aspects of drafting, preparing and execution these crucial documents. Contact the firm to set up an initial consult to get started.